In times of rapid change having access to practical information you can trust is essential. The enterprise value specialists at Ceibass have been busy providing that data to lawn & landscape business owners throughout the country.

“The COVID-19 situation is evolving at hyper-speed. The companies that move first, fast and are persistent are the ones that are going to come out with a competitive edge,” said Tom Fochtman, Ceibass CEO. “A great trusted resource for what to do and what not to do is our own association…the National Association of Landscape Professionals. Circle the wagons and check in with them on a consistent basis. Learn what other professionals in the industry are thinking. Discover the new threats, the new obligations and the new opportunities. And then take action. Get after it.”

Tom went on and gave specific examples. He cited the article New Normal: What Practices Landscape Pros Might Keep After COVID-19 on the NALP website. “Staggered starting times, reporting directly to job sites, paying mileage, using technology to have meetings so workers don’t have to go to the main plant. Some of these new operating methods are so successful they may stick.”

With an influx of unemployed workers available due to COVID-19 related company layoffs, Tom recommends the article NALP Members Weigh In On Hiring During COVID-19. “If you’re looking to upgrade or grow your team, learning what NALP members are saying about hiring right now is really important. It’ll help you shape your thinking.”

And then based on the new opportunities to expand and improve your workforce Tom focused on the article Tips on Effective Interviewing for Quality Hires.“ With a lot of people looking for work the idea isn’t just to get a bunch of bodies to do the work. The idea is to get great people who will really improve the quality and competitiveness of your team. Think longer term,” added Tom.