The enterprise value specialists at Ceibass work with lawn & landscape business owners throughout the country. Although these businesses are at various stages in their business life cycles there is one constant that the pros at Ceibass recommend: education.

“The thing to remember is that gaps in revenue, or plateaus in revenue and business performance, are actually knowledge gaps,” said Tom Fochtman, Ceibass CEO. “As a business owner you have to enhance your knowledge, and the knowledge of your team, constantly. It’s a never-ending game to stay ahead of the competition with superior knowledge and practices.”

Underscoring this, Tom Fochtman recently received an email from a lawn & landscape business owner he met at one of Jim Houston’s Brainstorming events a few years ago. Tom recommended that he get serious about growing his company and suggested he attend Marty Grunder’s GROW event. This business owner got motivated and took the next steps. Here are some snippets from the owner’s email:

“I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for sending me emails and encouraging me to learn and grow my business. I am very grateful to you for that and wanted to let you know that I have participated in great education, getting great results.  

 In 2014 we did $312,000, and with good solid growth the last couple of years we are on track to do $2,200,000 in 2019. $3,000,000 projected in 2020. There is no way we could sustain this kind of growth without the leadership qualities that we are learning. What I am learning is trickling down into my whole team.

I wanted to let all of you know that not to toot my horn but to let you know that what you are all doing is really helping people to truly get prepared to grow their business. I am 60 years old and have been involved in the landscape business for 40 years and here I am at 60 learning how to be a better business owner. I guess the old saying that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks is just not true in this case.”

And here was Tom Fochtman’s reply:

“Gosh, talk about making my day … wow!  So glad you got involved, re-energized and committed to make your company all that it can be.  A true best-of-class company. You are to be congratulated for taking a big, next step.  Frankly, most owners don’t.  They get comfortable, stubborn, don’t think they need help or whatever it may be and they flat out don’t have the courage to change.  You do and did. Good for you!”

 The lesson here? Commit to making your company the best it can be by being in education. You’re never too old, you’re never too successful. Seek out mentors. Become a life-long learner. It works.