Tom Fochtman Delivers Keynote Address at 2013 Northwest Landscape Expo.
Commercial landscaping Enterprise Value Specialist and Ceibass CEO, Tom Fochtman recently spoke on the topic of what it takes to be successful in today’s economy for The Oregon Landscape Contractors Association at the 2013 Northwest Landscape Expo, in Portland.
Chosen because he had taken a $60k investment and turned it into a $35 million landscape and maintenance company, Tom Fochtman, gave insider tips on what it takes to nurture and grow a successful landscaping business.
He brings more than 30 years of hands-on experience and a current working knowledge as an Enterprise Value Specialist who helps business owners increase their profitability and the value of their businesses. For a PDF of his presentation contact Tom.
And to learn more about Ceibass and the Enterprise Value Specialists who can help increase your profits and the value of your green industry business, call Tom at 303-974-7577.Or email us.
Tom’s been busy lately. If you want to keep up with everything he’s doing, like us on Facebook.
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