The enterprise value specialists at Ceibass work with green industry business owners to help them plan, prepare and execute the sale of their business or to help them acquire businesses so they can grow their enterprise and realize their dreams.
And on this special Valentine’s Day, we want to recognize the unique attributes of these uncommon people. Here’s what we love about green industry business owners:
Their humbleness. Maybe it is something about working with the earth and growing things and dealing with Mother Earth but green industry business owners and not as full of themselves as other business owners.
A roll-up-their-sleeves, put in the elbow-grease kind of work ethic. These business owners are not afraid to put in the labor, to put in the time, put in the effort to make their business successful. There is no sense of entitlement. They don’t wake up in the morning believing they deserve anything.
They look for greatness in people. A majority of the management teams Ceibass works with value their people. They treat them well. Honor them. Respect them. Encourage them. Educate them. Nurture them. This “other people matter like I matter” way of being produces great loyalty and employee engagement.
They work with the National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP) on committees, attend leadership and educational programs, involve their team, and help the industry thrive by supporting the Industry Growth Initiative (IGI).
They give to their communities. Almost all of the business owners that Ceibass works with are generous with their time and money giving back to their local communities.
Taking care of customers, employees, local communities and the environment is a deeply held way of being for these people.
So hug a green industry business owner. Tell them thank you. And if you are a green business owner, hug a member of your team or family and spread the love. Happy Valentine’s Day from Ceibass.