As we celebrate the 4th of July celebration of our country’s anniversary, the Enterprise Value Specialists at Ceibass have made some insightful observations about what it takes (and what it does not take) for lawn & landscape business owners to realize their independence — specifically, their efforts to build enterprise value and achieve financial independence.
“Almost all of the owners we work with have the intention to develop a valuable company and make enough money to realize their financial independence. They know what their number is. They have the desire and the target. Take the time to figure this out OR you might be working real hard to produce an outcome that won’t work for you.”
“The most successful lawn & landscape owners have a philosophy something like ‘If I build up my people, my people will build a great company.’ There is a genuine respect for helping their employees grow and go in their roles. You can’t do it alone. Pay lots and lots more respect to your team. Don’t be a lone-ranger and arrogantly think you can figure it out all by yourself or that you can avoid the costs, challenges and irritations of continually building your team. Invest in your human capital!”
“Never, ever let a day go by without learning as much as possible. The most financially independent owners are curious folks, in continual lifelong learning practices. They go to industry events, hire consultants, get good help and keep accumulating knowledge…they know it is a tremendous source of competitive advantage.”
To be continued…