There are many owners in the green industry who have had to sell their business unexpectedly due to unforeseen circumstances. In the March 2, 2018 issue of Lawn & Landscape Magazine, Tom Fochtman, Ceibass CEO, was asked what advice he would offer an owner who needs to sell his/her business quickly due to unforeseen circumstances:
“As an owner you need to change your thinking…as a matter of superior practice, strive to have your business in shape and ready for sale at all times. Have you company so dialed in it’s literally ready for sale every minute of every day,” said Tom. “Stuff happens. We all know that, so be prepared for it. It’s an obligation or a duty of an owner to anticipate things. It’s irresponsible when business owners don’t have an exit plan. Get on top of it. Really. Be ready. Start having the difficult conversations with partners and top management now, before the emergency.”
Easier said than done, for sure, but having these tough conversations is what this powerful Lawn & Landscape article by Megan Smalley is all about. To read the article, click here.