Ceibass is solely focused on taking landscape contractors to market. The enterprise value specialists at Ceibass assist with their clients’ exit strategy and facilitate getting them sold. They launch their clients into retirement.
“We frequently have smaller clients ‘for sale’ that would be the perfect opportunity for a younger person that is ready to be an owner. They have learned the business, saved a little money, maybe mom & dad will pitch in and then the Small Business Administration will participate, too” added Tom.
Currently, Ceibass has several companies that are small in nature and are what the Ceibass team would call “very affordable.” Some are commercial maintenance contractors and some are residential D/B contractors.
“I wanted to make you aware of these opportunities in the event you might know of a possible candidate that wants to become a landscape owner. As I’ve worked on transactions around the country, one thing I’ve learned is how easy it is for a person to purchase these smaller landscape companies,” said Tom. “If the fit is right, the process is pretty simple.”
Do you know of anyone looking to buy or sell these smaller companies? An up and coming ambitious lawn & landscape pro? If so, get to know Ceibass. The professionals there would like to spread the word.