As we approach the new year, the enterprise value-specialists at Ceibass want to extend to you a very special set of 2019 New Year wishes.

We wish you:

  • H-2B clarity and solutions
  • Engaged and enthusiastic employees
  • No Russian meddling!
  • 95%+ renewed contracts
  • Being on the prosperous side of global warming
  • A 2019 as good or better than 2018
  • Success in filling your job vacancies
  • Enhanced middle management team
  • Efficient onboarding
  • People and capital to keep milking it
  • Technological advances that save you money
  • More knowledge from your consultants
  • Better networks
  • Uncommon offerings that provide value to your clients
  • Superior planning
  • Robust maintenance contracts
  • Snow to plow
  • Grass to mow
  • Landscaping to complete
  • A backlog of seasonal lighting or flower bed projects
  • A superior exit plan
  • Anxious buyers
  • Motivated sellers
  • The courage to keep the pedal down as long as the economy allows

Happy New Year from the folks at Ceibass.