Independence Day is a federal holiday commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.
“It is a holiday that celebrates our declaration, as a country, that we were going to be independent of Great Britain,” said Tom Fochtman, Ceibass CEO. “It marks the declaration, or the announcement of our independence. It does not mark the end of the War of Independence. This pronouncement was the beginning of our political freedom as a nation. Without political freedom we would not be able to be concerned about things like our businesses or financial freedom. So let us give thanks to those brave Americans who declared our independence and then fought for it, and delivered it.”
The enterprise value specialists at Ceibass recognize that those heroes created the autonomy necessary for today’s entrepreneurs to seek their financial freedom by creating valuable businesses in the lawn and landscape industry. “First political freedom. Then financial freedom,” said Tom Fochtman. “Being independent means we have the freedom to choose our own paths, to start businesses, to work hard, to create valuable companies with great employees and give back to the communities in which we serve. So on July 4th let’s be grateful for those courageous souls who have come before us and provided us with our independence. And let’s also celebrate the grit and determination that lawn and landscape business owners display in their struggle for financial freedom.”
May you have a wonderful Fourth of July.