No one is more passionate about the lawn and landscape industry than the enterprise value specialists at Ceibass. No one is better connected in the industry. No one can help you harvest the value out of your business better than Ceibass.
“I’m not really an M&A guy. I am not a fixer & flipper, a business entertainer, or a hustler of books, workshops and conferences,” said Tom Fochtman, Ceibass CEO. “I was a landscape contractor. I grew the value of my business and then sold my business. I am here to help prepare your business for sale or transfer so you can achieve financial independence. I love our industry. The first step is to assess your situation, your business. I have been in your shoes.”
The team at Ceibass helps potential sellers develop more effective, strategic and competitive thinking around the sale of their business. They educate owners to the point where the owners realize “I must get my company financially fit to the point where if someone approached me and wanted to buy my business tomorrow, it would be ready to be sold.”
Ceibass works with owners to be proactive and ready in the event the phone should ring from an interested and qualified buyer. It is also an effective process to get the business in shape to be sold using the highest possible multiplier.
“As a first step we are going to look at the financials, research the market, interview key management, come up with prelim valuations, and maybe start to prepare an Offer Memorandum,” said Tom. “But the most important thing we do is get to the heart and soul of what the seller or sellers want to get out of the transaction. That’s the key for deciding whether to go to market or to continue building value in the company.”
For more details on the essential steps of developing an exit plan stay tuned to future blogs.