Last week the enterprise value specialists at Ceibass brought forth some of the pitfalls of “being casual” while competing in the lawn and landscape marketplace. It has nothing to do with what you wear to work and everything to do with the attitude that you bring to the workplace.
“First of all, thank you to all the owners who gave us great insights and feedback on the prevalence of the being casual attitude in the world today. Many see some of their management team members exhibiting these moods and behaviors and they report that a casual attitude is not very competitive in the marketplace,” said Tom Fochtman, Ceibass CEO. “They see team members with this attitude as vain, prideful, and know-it-alls. Being casual means that they are not into learning, respecting other departments, keeping their reports accountable, staying up with technology, or being open to help from others.”
Other “being casual” types of behaviors identified by the team at Ceibass includes:
- Being arrogant or jerky sometimes
- Acting superior when their performance is not
- Being exceptions to company rules
- Not team players
- Try to figure everything out themselves
- Overvalue themselves
- Have an abundance of excuses
- Always someone else’s fault
- Have little respect for top performers on the team
- Don’t worry about the consequences
“It is easy to see a being casual attitude in others. The real secret for business owners is to see it in themselves and then make efforts to change,” said Tom. “That’s where the real potential for changing the trajectory of a company lies. Look deep within yourself and change. The culture of the company will evolve with you.”