The team of enterprise value specialists at Ceibass believe that Labor Day is a very special day because it honors the American labor movement and the contributions that workers have made to the strength, prosperity, laws and well-being of our country.
“I love the people that labor in the lawn & landscape industry. They are, in general, pragmatic, humble, close to the earth, hard working, energetic and willing to do what it takes to produce value for their customers. They are mature, accept their limitations, are willing to roll up their sleeves, dig in and do the work,” said Tom Fochtma, Ceibass CEO. “They’re good people, they like to learn. They respect reality, other people, and delight in working on a team of like-minded people. And they enjoy being outdoors.”
So from the team at Ceibass, “Here’s to you and your team on this Labor Day: We celebrate you, we thank you for your beautiful landscapes and for your hard work and determination to make our country a better place.”