Tom Fochtman, Ciebass CEO will be attending The National Association of Landscape Professionals’ Leaders Forum 2024 in Mexico this week.
“I’ll be there, and if you’re going, let’s connect,” said Tom. “I welome the opportunity to meet you and say hello. I have developed some wonderful relationships over the years at this event and I hope you’ll reach out.”
Conrad Puna de Mita is where the jungle meets the sea. It is located on the Pacific coast of mainland Mexico, just North of Puerto Vallarta. Punta de Mita is an intimate community surrounded by coastal rainforest, a vibrant local culture, sleepy fishing villages, and beautiful, undisturbed nature.
“Not a bad place to be during this freezing cold grip of January weather we’ve been experiencing,” added Tom. “Whether it’s business or pleasure it would be great to get to know you.”
Reach out to Tom. Nobody is better connected in the lawn and landscape industry: 303-917-1320,