By tomfoch|2022-05-04T12:37:24-06:00May 4th, 2022|
Did you know that many historians believe that the month of May was named for the Roman Goddess Maia, the goddess of growth. This got the enterprise value specialists at Ceibass thinking about May and growth in new and more effective ways. “When most of us think about growth in the lawn and landscape industry we think about increasing revenues, profits or territory,” said Tom Fochtman, Ceibass CEO. “This is as it should be. It’s good. We think about helping companies acquire businesses, selling businesses, or transferring ownership of businesses to employees. But ‘growth’ can be so much more than that. It can be incremental improvements in systems, in leadership, in management, in employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and… “ For more actionable ways to promote growth read the blog.