
Landscape Is A Wonderful Industry to Work In – Pass It on

By |December 14th, 2021|

Landscape is a wonderful industry to work in –pass it on. “The reality is that this is a really profitable industry, with great opportunity to make a lot of money, but younger people are not really considering it or think that it is not a viable industry for them … many misconceptions. Let’s change that perception,’ said Tom Fochtman, Ceibass CEO. “I am asking that the top professionals in our industry reach out and speak the virtues of landscaping. Won’t you help?” For more details read the blog.

Considerations Before Finalizing Your 2022 Plan

By |December 8th, 2021|

Before you put the final touches on your 2022 strategic plan there are some important things to consider. “Is it ambitious enough? Are you making the right moves to grow the top line and increase EBITDA?” said Tom Fochtman, Ceibass CEO. “Can your team handle it? What skills do they need? Where are the potential breakdowns in the plan? The risks and probabilities of risk? Is the competitive analysis up to snuff?” These are just a few of the questions lawn and landscape business owners need to ask themselves when reviewing their plans. For more details read the blog.