
Key Takeaways from the NALP’s LANDSCAPES 2019 Convention.

By |October 24th, 2019|

The enterprise value specialists at Ceibass were in attendance at NALP’s LANDSCAPES 2019 convention in Louisville last week. What were the key takeaways from this industry-leading event? Read the blog.

Unusual Thoughts About Planning

By |October 9th, 2019|

This is the time of year when many lawn & landscape companies start to slow down and begin their 2020 planning. To make your planning more effective, discover some unusual planning tips from the enterprise value specialists at Ceibass. Read the blog.

Improve Your Nest Egg Thinking

By |October 3rd, 2019|

The enterprise value specialists at Ceibass have been working with lawn & landscape business owners across the country to increase the enterprise value of their companies so that they can have enough money in their nest egg when they retire to live a good life. But beware, the common sense about nest eggs is flawed and incomplete. For details, read the blog.