Developing the Plan of Action
What goes into an action plan when you want to sell your commercial landscape business? “A good analogy is when you are selling a house. If the house is in need of repairs, dirty, and the carpets are worn you will not be able to get top dollar for the home. Conversely, when the house is all buffed out, all repairs have been taken care of, there is a new coat of paint, and the smell of freshly baked cookies are in the air, your chances of getting top dollar are greatly enhanced,” said Tom Fochtman, Ceibass CEO. “Our job is to get your house, your business, in order. By doing so we greatly enhance your potential for a more profitable outcome. Remember like selling a home, it is best to sell at the top of the market. And this is the best seller’s market, ever.” For specifics on what goes into the plan read the blog.