Get To Know Ceibass
At Ceibass, we are green industry Enterprise Value Specialists. We are experts at creating value in your business and helping you plan, prepare and execute the sale of your green industry business.
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Read more about Tom's Lawn & Landscape article

Success Story : Acquiring Sole Ownership
Ceibass recently assisted Kristie and Craig Karn acquire sole ownership of Consilium Design, a full-service land planning and landscape architecture firm based in Colorado.
We cannot thank you enough for all that you have done to guide Kristie and I through our partnership transition into sole ownership of Consilium Design. During the transition process we would often hear from others “it’s just business.” While you were very knowledgeable about the “business” of it all, you knew from your own experience that it would prove to be much more than that and didn’t hesitate to share that with us. It’s about real people, and not just us, going through a big life change.
It would take time, more than we would ever wish or even imagine. Just getting started – “having the conversation” – took months. Staying focused and pushing forward through the unexpected turns along the way, of which there were many, made the journey seem even longer. With the end in sight, innocent mistakes could appear to be great transgressions. You were there throughout, encouraging us to “have the conversation,” stay focused, and accept that mistakes are just a natural part of the process.
We are very excited about the future of Consilium Design especially knowing that we will have you and Ceibass Venture Partners to continue to support and guide us along the way.”
~Kristie and Craig Karn,
Consilium Design